“I have never met someone who is so unapologetically themselves. This was a great lesson for our kids, especially because he was able to model vulnerability in a way that our students aren't used to.”

Steven Benson - Mumford Academy Detroit, MI


Once described as “…the real Beyonce, because you are actually changing people’s lives…” by high school students on Long Island, Christopher Heinze is a dynamic personality and public speaker who is driven to help those he meets to live and perform with authenticity and freedom.

A native of Fort Wayne, Indiana, he is an alumnus of Ball State University where he studied Music Education. At Ball State, he performed as a singer/dancer with Indiana's Official Goodwill Ambassadors, The Ball State University Singers, under the direction of Dr. Alan Alder. As a four-year member, Chris sat on its student-leadership board as the Outreach Chair where he worked to honor the organization’s rich history with alumni events, kept current casts engaged on campus as a prominent student organization, and held professional auditions after recruiting prospective talent for future casts.

Christopher has been seen on stages across the Midwest in many different roles including hosting and judging pageants, as an emcee or event host, and as a stand-up comic.

For almost a decade, Christopher traveled the United States, Canada, and Europe as a Senior Program Facilitator and Training Department Coach with Challenge Day. Challenge Day, featured on Oprah and MTV, has been known as a worldwide leader in transformational social and emotional learning workshops for almost 45 years.With Challenge Day, Chris was a facilitator, training coach, and contributed to program and curriculum development.

Chris speaks from personal experiences to encourage empathy, understanding, and community building while illuminating and unlocking the true potential of individuals and organizations. 

With almost 20 years of experience in public speaking, facilitation, and performing-arts education, Christopher is requested as a personal coach, workshop facilitator and performing-arts clinician across the country. His interactive and dynamic workshops and clinics are filled with instruction and practice to allow individuals and groups to reach their full potential and start living and performing with authenticity and